Paulina Heredia
3 min readJun 13, 2021


Do you know what you want to be?

I think it’s crazy how the context in which you live affects the decisions you will make in the future. My mom is constantly asking me: what are your plans for the future?

Does anyone has the answer? Is there a right answer? Why do we always want to control our future?

Many of these questions have pop up my mind and made me wonder for hours and days about possible outcomes in my life. I guess you can have an idea of how things would turn out but they can always change. I think there should be more openness from everyone to try new things and normalizing being a changeable person.

I see how society is constantly telling us how to behave, what to eat, what to buy, how to achieve the best and so forth. But, is it actually what you want or you’re just doing it because it is the “right thing” to do?

I guess I’m just realizing how we live in a place where we are supposed to do things the way our parents did or behave how the world dictates it. Don’t get me wrong, I admire everyone’s ambition of their dreams and their achievements. But we should be able to make mistakes and wonder a little bit before we decide what we would be doing for the rest of our lives.

I see how past generations had a really different way of planning their future. I see how for today’s generations there’s more than one way of doing things. Years ago, people would have never imagined that it would be possible to create content on social media and make money during the process. Through the years, people have taught each other that it is possible to live the life of their dreams. I see people that i admire doing what they always dreamed about but the thing is it becomes doable when you get off limitations and just start your journey.

I’m 23 years old and i decided that i wanted to write. I’ve been reading articles in medium since one year ago and until now i decided to write something that was for me and that people could relate with. Some might thing that I’m too young and have no experience on this field but somehow i have to start. The only person limiting your actions in this world is yourself. I know it sounds cliché but we are responsable for our success or failure. The power is within you and and only you can start that idea that you have on mind.

I read this quote on the book “the war of art” that said:
“ There’s a secret that real writers know that wannabe writers don’t, and the secret is this: It’s not the writing that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write. What keeps us from sitting down is Resistance.”

I don’t know how but i’ve never felt so relatable with one book. I thought about this concept before. Resistance keeps us from achieving things and living our lives to the fullest. Give it a try if you feel like you can’t get enough energy to start that business idea or feel like you can’t be constant in anything. I assure you it will change the way you see your activities and expand the way you do things.

Get off limitations, start that idea and inspire others in your journey. You’ll never know how many people you can impact with your words. Make the world yours.- P

